Please note that the data is completely fictional and has nothing to do with the Corona pandemic
Type: Spline Bar Bezier
Options: var opts = { series: { name: "Corona Waves", type: "spline", data: DATA, // [30, 1, 20, 5, 10, 1, 100], style: { label: { format: "%value% unit(s)" } }, options: { displayKnots: false } }, xAxis: { start: "No Data", pointInterval: 10, data: [ "1st wave", "", "2nd wave", "", "3rd wave" ] }, yScale: { spaceComputing: "auto" }, options: { animations: { enabled: true }, dataGrouping: { enabled: true, groupCount: 2 }, drawRays: false, crossHair: { enabled: true } } } Animation Wapoint count: